4. Baltijas Mērnieku foruma prezentācijas


Review of highlights in surveying industry (since last Baltic forum):

Janis Klive, President of Latvian Association of Surveyors
Vaidotas Sankalas, Vice-President of Lithuanian Association of Surveyors
Mart Rae, Vice-President of Estonian Association of Surveyors
Surveyors workshop State institutions workshop
Transition to European Vertical Reference System – EVRS: Physical boundary marking of land parcels:
1. Martins Reiniks, Board Member of Latvian Association of Surveyors 1. Aldis Rausis, Head of Surveying Division of Real Property Formation Department, the  State Land Service, Latvia
2. Mart Rae, Vice-President of Estonian Association of Surveyors 2. Francsisek Staskevits, Head of Department of Cadastral Surveying and Control, Estonia Land Board
 3. Eimuntas Kazimieras Parseliunas, Member of Lithuanian Association of Surveyors 3. Giedrius Paužolis, Chief officer of National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
4.    Kazys Maksvytis, Head of Real Property Cadastre and Register Department, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania
Local geodetic networks – LGN (geodetic points at municipal level): Certification system and supervision and controlling of surveyors:
1.    Ivars Nudiens, Board Member of Latvian Association of Surveyors 1.      Toivo Tomingas, Regional Head of Estonian Land Board 
2. Zilvinas Stankevicius, Council member of Lithuanian Association of Surveyors 2. Tomas Ladukas, Director of Geodesy and Cartography Department, National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
3. Jaanis Lill, Board Member of Estonian Association of Surveyors 3. Aldis Rausis, Head of Real Property Formation Department, the State Land Service, Latvia
Accuracy of fitting cadastral information on topography (scale 1:500): Cadaster towards e-government - development of the legislation and  the changes in data distribution policies:
1. Kaspars Kojalovics, Member of Latvian Association of Surveyors 1. Rimantas Ramanauskas, Deputy Director General, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania
2. Tiit Hion, Board Member of Estonian Association of Surveyors 2. Maija Berzina, Deputy Director General, the State Land Service, Latvia
3. Albinas Tamosiunas, Council member of Lithuanian Association of Surveyors 3. Priit Kuus, Deputy head of Department of Land Cadastre, Estonian Land Board

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