Within the framework of 81st International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics is organizing international scientific conference - Geodynamics and Geospatial research 2023.
Work language of the conference - English.
Recommended topics but not only for the conference are:
Geodynamics and geospatial research;
Gravity field, Geoid models and height systems;
Astrogeodetic measurements;
GNSS and satellite geodesy;
Leveling networks;
Survey Engineering;
Photogrammetry, Remote sensing;
Geographical Information Systems (GIS);
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV);
Scientific conference of the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Lai saņemtu profesionālo kursu/apmācību apliecību un kredītstundas pie sertifikāta:
1) Jāpiesaka sava dalība autorizējoties LMB portālā (piesakoties konferencei, Jūs piekrītat, ka Jūsu e-pasts, vārds un uzvārds tiks nodots LU konferences organizatoriem dalības reģistrēšanai un apstiprināšanai);
2) Konferencē jāapliecina sava klātbūtne ar parakstu.